Our Company
Sabir Traders Ltd., STL Duty Free Shop an enterprise setup to facilitate the Diplomatic and Privileged Persons community and their families residing in Bangladesh. It provides hassle free services specifically designed to meet their needs.
STL enjoys the full support and approval of the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in this Duty Free Sector. Established in 1979 through special Government approval STL stands out today as a leader in the Diplomatic Duty Free service.
The commodities offered, (which are over 2000 items) are all imported from different parts of the globe. Most if not all of our suppliers carry their own brand of production, be it Food Stuff (Frozen or Canned), Toiletries and Liquor. STL boasts of one of the finest collection of WINES on offer in the whole Country. It has over a hundred different brands specially selected wines from all over the Globe.
STL proudly presents its new online catalog with an expanded selection of commodities which is constantly being updated with the newest items and product information.
STL prides itself on providing competitive price, comprehensive selection of merchandise and the highest level of professional services, second to none.